A smattering of interesting and useful posts from the blawgosphere and beyond

  • How To Be A Happy Creative Director” from The Ad Contrarian. While everything in this post doesn’t translate directly to lawyers and the legal profession, it does offer some very good advice. My favorite: “remember why people buy stuff.” [Hint: law firm clients buy because they need SOLUTIONS and VALUE.] The bonus? Your comments on whether or not #6 applies even remotely to lawyers.

  • Brands Will Learn By Doing. Get Over It.” from Logic + Emotion. There are no absolutes in Web 2.0. No magic formula that ensures success. It takes commitment, and resolution, and willingness to make mistakes. Not the ideal environment for lawyers, but on the other hand it may provide significant opportunities for lawyers and firms willing to learn by doing. Read this post and you’ll be better prepared to do just that.

  • What Can Big Firms Do To Become More Competitive” from The Greatest American Lawyer. This post articulates well the concepts I consider central to building a successful practice: Value. Efficiency. Quality. Relationships. Read it and you’ll agree. Then do like I did, and sign up for the RSS feed.

  • 5¢ architectural advice” from Make: technology on your time. My first reaction to this post was “hah, very clever.” And then I started to think about how it could apply to lawyers. What if your pitch focused on helping your potential clients figure out what they need, not what you offer? Would those potential clients judge the value of your advice differently? 

    March 25 Updates
    –  John Morefield’s Architecture 5¢ Website
    –  NPR’s Morning Edition piece on 
    Laid-Off Architect Sells Advice For 5 Cents

  • What Makes a Lawyer Great?” from lawjobs.com Career Center. Molly Peckman puts that question to a group of “lawyers’ lawyers” in Philadelphia, and reports their views here. While their views will not surprise you, the end result is a useful collection of qualities that successful lawyers consider essential. Who wants to see clients answer this same question?