A smattering of interesting and valuable posts from the blawgosphere and beyond
- “The Better Business Experience for your Customers, Prospects and Partners” from Conversation Agent. Successful client relationships depend a lot on meaningful dialogues. The ideas in this post, and the ongoing conversations, might help you reshape your client interaction and strengthen your client relationships.
- “50+ Tips to Brand Yourself Online” from HRM Today. Not a lot I can say about this post beyond providing the title. So just read it. You’ll be glad you did.
- “Recessionary Thinking: 12 Smart Marketing Tips for Tough Times” from Legal Marketing Reader. I don’t agree with all 12, there are some very good suggestions for marketing in a down economy here. The bottom line? Arbitrarily cutting back your marketing spend is no better than paying for marketing activities without a clear understanding of their benefits. Successful marketing is more about having a focused and realistic plan than it is about spending money. Read this post for a good perspective on the types of things your marketing plan should address.
- “How do you syndicate a blog or website?” from Rachel Levy’s Job Search and Networking blog. Maintaining a successful blog isn’t solely about providing good content, it’s also about finding readers and engaging them in meaningful conversations. This post provides some useful ideas on how to get the word out so you can get the readers in.
- “Know Thyself” from Leadership and Women Lawyers. I like three things about this post. The first is its practical advice: lawyers, whether you know it or not, you have a web presence. You need to be aware of it and manage it wherever possible. The second is the story of lawyers collaborating with professional staff. This firm sounds like a great place to work. The third? Being able to subscribe to a blog dedicated to “developing and supporting women in leadership positions in law firms and law departments.”
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