A smattering of interesting and valuable posts from the blawgosphere and beyond
- “The Decline of Differentiation” from Branding Strategy Insider. Now more than ever, lawyers need to communicate that which differentiates their services from those of their competition. This post describes three marketing errors that are contributing to the commoditization of consumer products. Make sure you’re not committing them too. Why? “Without a clear differentiating idea attached to a brand, all you’re left with to motivate buyers is price.” How long can that be sustained?
- “An evolving profession: Lawyers describe the commoditization of certain legal services” from Chicago Lawyer Magazine. This is one of the more thoughtful pieces I’ve read on how and why the profession is changing, and what it may look like in the future. You need to know this.
- “Employee blogs v. ceo blogs: which is best?” from don’t get caught. An interesting discussion about who should be writing corporate blogs. Read it closely and you’ll see that it also provides some basic but crucial guidelines for companies – and law firms – trying to find the best blogging model.
- “What Documents Should I Post on JD Supra?” from JD Scoop. JD Supra is a great forum for showcasing your written work (I have an account). This post describes how legal professionals are using it, and the types of work they share. Yes, it’s a commercial for JD Supra. But it will also help you think differently about your work, how you could re-purpose it, and in doing so better communicate your skills, experience and expertise.
- “Finding Your Ceiling” from Some Assembly Required. I read Thom Singer’s work for many reasons. It gives me practical advice that helps me work better. It gives me new ideas that make me smarter. And most of all it inspires me to think about what I am doing, why I am doing it, and how I could add greater value. This post falls into the latter category. Read it. You’ll be inspired too.
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