A smattering of insightful and valuable posts from the blawgosphere and beyond

  • Why Being Extraordinary Wins” from Altitude…brand elevation through social media. Think you’re good at client service? What would it take for you to be great at it? What would that cost? Would it be worth it? This story of customer experience at a dentist’s office just might give you some ideas on how you could be extraordinary. Read it.

  • Want to be a better PR professional?” from Client Service Insights (CSI/Season 2). Don’t let the title fool you: this post is really about being a better professional services provider. How? By putting the client first. Before you say “but I already do that!” (like I did…), read this post. And then ask yourself if you know your client’s business as well as you should.

  • A Blogging Guide for St. Louis (and Other) Lawyers (and Others)” from DennisKennedy.com. Lawyers, want to start blogging? Read this interview with four pioneers of the legal blogosphere who all hail from St. Louis, “Blawg City USA.” This is great advice, the kind that you normally have to pay for, the kind that will help you understand the cost and demands of blogging, the kind that will make your blog better. The bonus? Even the most seasoned blawger will learn something from this group.

  • Some Thoughts About Pitching In-house Counsel for Business” from Legal Marketing Blog.com. This post is written for smaller firms, who are increasingly getting opportunities to pitch for work from larger corporations traditionally represented by BigLaw. But everyone will benefit from this advice, especially the in-house counsel who won’t have to sit through another bad pitch. And if they appreciate it, you most likely will, too.

  • A Thought For Law Students” from In Search of Perfect Client Service. If you read my other blogs, you know the importance I place helping law students prepare for the future. That’s why I was especially pleased to find this advice for law students from Patrick Lamb, founder of Valorem Law Group. Why? Because Lamb isn’t waiting for the future to happen, he’s writing it. And in this post he tells future lawyers how they can write their own futures, too.