Sorry, But I’m Not Contrite About Ignite Law (Just a Little Late to Respond)” from Carolyn Elefant’s My It’s been less than a week, but there has already been a slew of debate around Matt Homann’s Ignite Law session that took place on the eve of the ABA TechShow, and it’s all good. Why? Because even if they disagree on the methods, the debaters are all motivated by a desire to make the legal profession better. For Elefant, it’s a place where people passionate about the law can follow that passion and find success, not the “rich beyond your wildest dreams” kind of success but rather the “don’t stop being a lawyer just because you don’t know how to start and run a solo practice” kind. Read the post. And while you’re at it, read Scott Greenfield’s “Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud,” Antonin Pribetic’s “Star Trek, Social Media and Legal Ethics,” Brian Tannebaum’s “Watching Law Ignite into Flames,” and Venkat Balasubramani’s “Emphasizing Tech and Social Media at the Expense of the Fundamentals?” You’ll be glad you did.