Today’s Law Marketing Resource

Dan Hull’s “The 12 Rules of Client Service” from What About Clients? 12 rules. 83 words. There’s no fluff here, just practical, to-the-point principles for aligning “the interests of clients/customers and service providers to the fullest...

Today’s Law Marketing Resource

Scott Preston’s “Technology is not your friend – your client is,” from 3 Geeks and a Law Blog. Technology — the kind that helps add value, like extranets and collaboration software and voice mail and email — is good. But it’s no...

Today’s Law Marketing Resource

Debra Bruce’s “Listening Means Business!” from her Lawyer Coach blog. Sometimes it’s good to get back to the basics. And listening is one of the most important skills a lawyer can have. So spend some time getting better at it. This post will...

Today’s Law Marketing Resource

“Lawyers must be culture vultures” from Lawyers Weekly, featuring Gerry Riskin on cultural issues, dealing with lawyers in other countries, and why lawyers must give regard to cultural differences while sitting in their own office. This is Globalization...

Today’s Law Marketing Resource

Jay Shepherd’s “Two kinds of lawyers” from his blog The Client Revolution. Regular readers know that I like what Shepherd has to say. He’s clever and funny and knows his stuff. More importantly, he practices what he preaches, and his...