Brian Inkster’s “The Elephant in the #LawBlogs Room” on his blog, The Time Blawg. Is blogging useful for law firm business development? In posing this question, Inkster clearly has touched a nerve (63 comments so far!). Of course there’s no single right answer, no overarching principle that guides legal blogging, no one-size-fits-all solution that articulates the value, payoff, and validity of any given blawg (how boring would that be?). But that’s a good thing, because there’s value in the debate, in questioning your motivation for blogging as well as that of your colleagues and peers, in setting your own standards and objectives. Read the post. Join the discussion.
Q: Is blogging useful for law firm business development? A: You are what you blog.
by Lance Godard | Jun 23, 2011 | Social & Digital Media |
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