You might think that Sam Glover is an anti-social media Luddite when you read the title of his latest post, 4 Things to Do Before You Spend a Dollar on Online Marketing. But he’s not: his piece is less a critique of online marketing than a reminder to leverage your existing relationships – with friends, current and former clients, referral sources, and the like – before you plop down any hard-earned cash on the newest, coolest, shiniest digital tool. Because relationships, not screen time, will get you more work:
Stay in touch with your former clients. And no, adding them to your email list and sending a holiday care do not constitute staying in touch (although they are better than nothing, if only a little). Take some time to consider what you could do for former clients that would keep them connected to you and your firm. […] Be familiar enough that when they need more legal work or when someone asks them for a referral, you are the first person they think of.
Read the post. Step away from the computer. And start spending your money wisely.
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