Lawyers are extremely good at giving advice, writes Deborah McMurray in What Courage Looks Like In A Law Firm, because that’s what clients want and need. Not analysis, not waffling, not the middle-of-the-road, safe, low-stakes position. But for many, that clear-headed, sharp-witted, pragmatic approach gets lost when they turn to marketing and business development:

The daring lawyer who is a zealous and outspoken advocate for his client’s position becomes afraid to stand out or be memorable when it comes to positioning strategy, branding design, messaging, even a business development approach that could help him win a new client. 

For McMurray, it’s about courage, about infusing the courage and heart and passion that lawyers have – for their work, for their clients, for their personal brand and everything they stand for – into their marketing strategy. Read the post. Then take McMurray’s advice:

Be as committed, pragmatic and driven in your marketing choices as you are in representing your clients. I promise, it will be rewarded.