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Life’s short. You’re busy. I sort through countless law marketing and business development blogs every day to find the post that will help you market your practice, plan for the future, stay ahead of trends, increase your value to clients, and more. So you don’t have to. Are you reading these posts?
In Networking, It’s The Little Things That Count
Yes, networking seems hard, writes Lindsay Griffiths in 5 Tips to Build Relationships TODAY, but it doesn't have to be that way: Often, we can think of networking and relationship building as an arduous task, but really, it’s a series of smaller actions that we take...
read moreThese Bad Habits Are Limiting Your Marketing Success
Nobody wants to be a quitter. But breaking some of your bad habits will bring you law marketing success, writes Stephen Fairley in Stop Doing These 5 Things That Limit Your Law Firm Marketing Success. And he's right: When it comes to law firm marketing, one of my...
read more“Hope” Is Not An Executable Strategy
Maybe your strategy is failing because you don't have anything worth executing, suggests Freek Vermeulen in Many Strategies Fail Because They’re Not Actually Strategies. Or maybe it's because your strategy isn't really a strategy at all, but rather an objective you...
read moreUse Big Data to Help Potential Clients Find Your Content
If you're writing about "premises liability" injuries when potential clients search for "slip and fall" accidents, you're setting yourself up to fail, writes Julie Howell in Five Ways Lawyers Can Use Google Trends. They won't even find your post if you're not framing...
read moreIs Your Social Media Authentic?
To be effective on social media, writes Alan Singles in Does Your Law Firm Social Media Strategy Put Humans First?, law firms need to be authentic. They need to be human:To be real, social has to be run by people who will read and react to comments and concerns being...
read moreGain Trust With A Positive First Impression
There's no avoiding it: people make snap judgments about your trustworthiness as soon as they meet you, writes Sue Shellenbarger in The Mistakes You Make in a Meeting’s First Milliseconds. And that could cost you. But it doesn't have to be that way. With a little...
read moreTrue Thought Leaders Lead First and Think Second
Publishing your ideas doesn't make you a thought leader, writes Justin Gray in Here's the Real Way to Define Thought Leadership. It Comes Down to 3 Things. In fact, positioning yourself as a thought leader when you're not merely creates noise and makes it harder for...
read moreWhat’s Your Client Experience?
Client experience isn't client service or client feedback or key account management or even client relationship management, write Lee Grunnell and Jerry Angrave in Five star: The silk & steel of client experience for professional firms. In fact, it isn't a "thing" at...
read moreNetworking Without a Net
A robust network is a key element of success, writes Dorie Clark in How to Make the Right Connections When You Don’t Already Have an “In.” So how do you start? More to the point, how do you create a meaningful network when the people you know don't have the...
read moreIt’s The Connections You Make For Others That Add Value
Could your clients benefit from connections you offer, asks Thames Schoenvogel in Connect Your Clients in 2018? Because that's the key to meeting their needs:... helping to foster those connections is yet another way to strengthen client relationships and become an...
read moreNetworking 101 or, You’re Doing It Wrong
There's a right way and a wrong way to network, says Mike Steib, CEO of XO Group. And you're probably doing it wrong... In Don't Just Network — Build Your 'Meaningful Network' to Maximize Your Impact, Steib gives a detailed look at the right way. It's chock full of...
read moreWhat’s Your Client Data Telling You?
Customer data, write Brad Brown, Kumar Kanagasabai, Prashant Pant, and Gonçalo Serpa Pinto in "Capturing value from your customer data," is strategic. It gives companies (they're not talking about law firms, but the same principles apply) a competitive...
read moreNo News Is Good News? Not For Your Clients…
Keeping your clients in the dark, writes Lindsay Griffiths in No News is Not Always Good News for Business Relationships, is a bad way to do business:Where you might be assuming that “no news is good news,” your client or other business relationship may be left...
read moreFor Lawyers, Change Is Key to Survival. And Willingness Is Key To Change…
2018 will be a "make-or-break year" for many law firms, writes Heather Suttie in Legal Markets and Marketing: 10 Trends to Watch and Watch Out For in 2018. Her overview of the key points in the Citi Private Bank – Hildebrandt Consulting 2018 Client Advisory Report...
read moreTell Any Good Stories Lately?
Stories, not product features and functionality, are the key to success in sales, writes George Deeb in Sales 101: Sell Stories, Not Products. Getting bogged down in the minutia of what a product does is a common rookie mistake:... clients don't really care about you...
read moreLaweyers: Change Your Culture To Survive The Future
It's clear that law firms, writes Patrick Lamb in The Law Firm of the Future, must adapt their business model if they are to survive in the face of evolving client demands. More importantly, though, they must change their culture: The hardest part of this evolutionary...
read more7 Steps to a Better Business Development You
Change is hard, writes Rich Bracken in "The Sustainable 2018 Resolution for Lawyers: Better Business Development," but sustaining change is even harder. And when it comes to business development, it's easy to lose track of the finish line:Business development is an...
read moreTrust Is The Key to Getting Paid What You Deserve
You'll never get paid what you think ought to receive, writes Seth Godin in "Getting paid what you deserve," only what others think you're worth:...people don't make buying decisions based on what's good for you--they act based on what they see, need and believe.He's...
read moreWant to Add Meaning to Business Relationships? You’ll Have to Work At It
Warm sentiments are nice, writes David Ackert in "How to Add Meaning to Business Relationships," but going out of your way to help others in need is the dynamic that builds meaningful relationships:... among my business contacts, there are a few people to whom I feel...
read moreNew Year’s Resolutions Are Hard to Maintain. So Just Pick One
It's that time of year again, when each of us turns an eye to things we could do in 2018 to make ourselves better: more successful, more efficient, more active, more relaxed, more approachable, more whatever it is we think we don't already do well enough. A useful...
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