by Lance Godard | Jun 16, 2011 | Advice
Ken’s “Thoughts After Six Years” at Popehat. A lot can happen in six years. Presidents change, kids grow up, cutting-edge technology becomes obsolete (oh wait, that only takes six months). Law firms are established and lessons learned. In this post...
by Lance Godard | Jun 14, 2011 | Advice
Jordan Furlong’s “Be the World’s Most Client-Accessible Lawyer” on the Attorney-at-Work blog. There’s been a lot of talk over the past few years about the “virtual law office.” What it is, where it is and isn’t permitted, how...
by Lance Godard | Jun 13, 2011 | Advice
Tom Grella’s “Five Questions to Ask About Your Firm’s Succession Readiness” in the May / June 2011 edition of the ABA’s Law Practice Magazine. Is your firm ready for the future? Not the “practicing in the cloud” future or the...
by Lance Godard | Jun 1, 2011 | Advice
Adrian Baron’s “Star Wars Taught Me to Be a Better Lawyer” on his blog The Nutmeg Lawyer. You can always count on Baron to spin a good tale, and this one lives up to his reputation. But the post isn’t just a clever story. It’s a clever...
by Lance Godard | May 11, 2011 | Advice
Frank Kimball’s “A Book Shelf For Professional Success and Development: The First 34 You Should Read” at Ms. JD. Your summer reading list just got longer. In a good way. Kimball’s list is a comprehensive guide to the things that a lawyer needs...
by Lance Godard | May 4, 2011 | Advice
Heather Townsend’s “Ten things you MUST do before starting a business” at The Efficiency Coach’s Partnership Potential blog. This post is for lawyers thinking about striking it out on their own. And for those who have already started a firm....
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