by Lance Godard | Dec 22, 2010 | Uncategorized
Carolyn Elefant’s “Some Marketing Projects for 2011” from If you liked yesterday’s two-fer, you’re gonna love today’s post, which provides links to the eight posts that make up Elefant’s “Best of...
by Lance Godard | Dec 21, 2010 | Uncategorized
Dan Hull’s “Cross-Selling: You guys partners? Or just sharing space?” from What about Clients? Today’s resource is a two-fer: not only does Hull give you his own perspective on the barriers to cross-selling, he also points you to a post from...
by Lance Godard | Dec 20, 2010 | Uncategorized
Mark Herrmann’s “Inside Straight: Business Development (Part 2)” from Above the Law. In this second installment of what we hope will be an ongoing BigLaw-lawyer-gone-in-house biz dev advice series, Herrrmann addresses every lawyer’s favorite...
by Lance Godard | Dec 17, 2010 | Uncategorized
Vivia Chen’s “Resume Tips for Oldies (That’s You–Baby Boomers)” from her blog The Careerist. Good solid advice for everyone, not just boomers, because the underlying message drives to the heart of client relationships and...
by Lance Godard | Dec 17, 2010 | Uncategorized
Scott Greenfield’s “What’s the Buzz?” from Simple Justice. Greenfield has a special place in his heart for legal marketers, but that doesn’t stop me from reading his blog. And it shouldn’t stop you, either: he calls ’em like...
by Lance Godard | Dec 15, 2010 | Uncategorized
Jay Fleischman’s “Law Firm Marketing and the “Buy My $#!^” Mentality” from Legal Practice Pro. For many lawyers, getting new clients is all about convincing people to buy. But it shouldn’t be. Law isn’t a product, don’t sell it as...
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