Today’s Law Marketing Resource

Steve Woodruff’s “Social Media is not a Strategy” from his blog, Connection Agent. Lawyers, don’t make the mistake of treating your social media presence (Twitter, Facebook, blog, etc.) as a strategy. It’s a networking tool. Don’t...

Today’s Law Marketing Resource

Cordell Parvin’s “How To Prepare A Business Plan That Will Make You More Successful” from The Practical Lawyer (pdf). It’s a year old, but that doesn’t take anything away from this article. It’s full of practical advice, the kind...

Today’s Law Marketing Resource

Margaret (“Molly”) DiBianca’s “Complex Ethical Issues of Social Media” from The Bencher, the flagship magazine of the American Inns of Court. This post provides an in-depth analysis of the ethical impact social media has on the practice of law (and...

Today’s Law Marketing Resource

Venkat Balasubramani’s “A Topic That Refuses to Die – What Drives the Law Blogger?” from his blog, Spam Notes. A lot has already been written on the “why” of lawyer blogging (including from me), much of it simply re-hashing the same...

Today’s Law Marketing Resource

Doug Jasinski’s “Marketing Legal Services On The Deepening, Splintering Web” from his blog Jasinski on Legal Marketing. This is a great post reminding us that in the increasingly crowded and fragmented online legal marketing landscape, it’s...

Today’s Law Marketing Resource

Michelle Golden’s “Do You Make it Easy for People to Call You?” from her Golden Practices Blog. Sometimes it’s good to get back to the basics. This is one of those times. Don’t make it hard for people to get in touch with you. They might...