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Life’s short. You’re busy. I sort through countless law marketing and business development blogs every day to find the post that will help you market your practice, plan for the future, stay ahead of trends, increase your value to clients, and more. So you don’t have to. Are you reading these posts?
Would You Like To Meet The Person In Your Bio?
Attorney biographies are valuable marketing tools, writes Kristen Friend in How to write a professional attorney bio people will actually want to read. That's why yours should be engaging and personable, and articulate who you are and what you do in a way that makes...
read moreMythBusters, The Client Feedback Edition…
Client feedback isn't particularly easy, writes Nat Slavin in The Myth of Feedback and the Consequence of Assumptions. But it's essential: The truth of feedback is that your in-house counsel clients are running their own business units within their companies. How...
read moreIt’s All About Relationships and Other BigLaw BD Lessons
Growth in 2018 won't come from an increased demand for legal services, writes David Lat in Biglaw Business Development: 5 Insights From Chief Marketing Officers. That leaves two options for lawyers and firms hoping to increase revenues in the coming year: land new...
read moreConsistency, Not Intensity, Drives BD Success
Many lawyers, writes Jay Harrington in A Strategic Approach to Legal Business Development, only think about BD when work is slow, when their schedules are light, their pipeline is little thin. Then they come up with a plan to identify and pursue new opportunities with...
read moreSelling Is Only Part Of Successful Rainmaking
There's typically more than meets the eye to successful rainmaking, writes Mike O'Horo in 20 traits of the 100%-capable rainmaker. Many lawyers only see the visible activities of their rainmaking peers, and not all the behind-the-scenes work that goes into generating...
read moreLawyering 101: Know Your Clients’ Business
90% of the companies he talks to, writes Jim Durham in The Importance of Understanding Your Client's Business, tell him that they like working with lawyers who know their business. Not those who know the law better than their peers, not those who invite them to the...
read moreAttorney Bios: Throw That Cookie Cutter Away
Cookie cutter attorney biographies just don't cut it for marketing your practice, writes Nancy Slome in Six Great Attorney Bios You Wish Were From Your Firm: It’s all about compelling content, sharp layouts and contemporary photography, and meaningful insight into the...
read moreFinders Keepers – The Cornerstone Of Your Content Strategy
The big picture goals of your content strategy should be discovery and habit, writes Adrian Lurssen in Are You Planning For These Two Key Objectives In Your Firm's Content Strategy? That's because, to be effective, your plan must be built around making sure that new...
read moreDon’t Neglect Your Brand & Other Proposal-Writing Tips
Content is critical in Requests for Proposals, writes Vanessa Schaefer in Winning RFPs: 10 Tips for Better Proposal Design, but presentation also plays a crucial role in the success of your response. And if you follow her ten recommendations, yours will stand out from...
read moreHere’s What GCs Really Want. Now Deliver It
The role of today's General Counsel is evolving, and more challenging than ever before, writes Steven Walker in Six things modern GCs really want from their law firms. That creates room for nimble and innovative lawyers to step up their client service and help them...
read moreEffective Communication Starts With The Right Tone
An important part of writing for your clients, writes Laurie Cunningham in It’s okay to be human – the power of tone, is giving advice in a way that connects you to your reader. Like a insider's "here's what I would do" delivered in a conversational tone, your...
read moreStop Hating Networking to Start Building Success
If you don't like to network, you're not alone, write Francesca Gino, Maryam Kouchaki, and Tiziana Casciaro in Learn to Love Networking. But you still have to do it: networking is a necessity in today's world, leading to more opportunities, broader knowledge,...
read moreFor In-House Lawyers, Value Comes In Many Forms…
In-house lawyers often think that the stressful days of constantly selling themselves and their skills are over, explains Cole Silver in Even In-House Lawyers Need to Market Themselves. And that's a mistake: Restructures, mergers, acquisitions, new CEOs or Boards, and...
read moreCommunication Is The Glue That Binds Clients To Their Lawyers
Sloppy service and sub-par legal work are driving clients crazy, writes Michael Rynowecer in Shoddy Law Firm Work Doubles. But most firms don't even know, because they aren't soliciting regular feedback from their clients. And that's costing them business: clients...
read more“Don’t Talk Too Much” And Other Practical Advice For Pitching New Work
Time spent preparing for meetings with potential clients, writes Sally Schmidt in Make the Most of Business Development Meetings, will pay off: you'll better understand what the company does and how you can help them, you'll differentiate yourself from the...
read moreTurns Out Clients Do Hire Law Firms After All…
Yes, it's true that clients tend to hire lawyers more than they hire law firms, writes Mike White in Individual Lawyers Attract New Clients, But So Can Law Firms. That doesn't mean, however, that firms can't establish a brand and a reputation that lead to the...
read moreSmarter Networking Will Maximize Your Time And Effort
There's a direct relationship between the amount of time you spend networking and the amount of business your efforts can generate, writes Mike O'Horo in To generate referrals from networking, how much time must you spend? But for most lawyers, any time is more time...
read moreLet Natural Strengths Drive Your BD
Business development is a lot of work, writes Toni Wells in For Business Development, Do What Comes Naturally. And there's no reason to make it harder by forcing yourself to do things you don't like: You owe it to yourself — and the people you are trying to target —...
read moreSmall Stories Are The New Effective Communication
"Go big or go home" might be a good way to approach your business, but it's not going to get you very far when you're telling stories, writes Alison Davis in The Surprising Way to Be More Effective at Storytelling. Instead, if you're trying to get people's attention,...
read moreKicking Off A New Initiative? Kick Out An Old One First…
If your new year's resolutions have already fallen by the wayside, you're not alone, writes Elizabeth Grace Saunders in Before You Set New Goals, Think About What You’re Going to Stop Doing. And for good reason: most people don't make room for the changes by removing...
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